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Sophie Mak-Schram

Resident artist

Sophie Mak-Schram's work uses writing, performance and project structures to explore how we (come to) know and what forms our knowledge takes. Underpinning this is a core concern with who accesses art, both in the roles of artist and audiences, and how alternative forms, processes and propositions can enable new modes of engaging with critical, creative work. Currently, Mak-Schram is thinking about labour, future histories and how we communicate.

Sophie Mak-Schram is one half of Overheard Map, an annual residency project that experiments with how artists work together, one half of Tail Bend Travel, a (sometimes fictional) tour company that offers unexpected walking/video/performance tours, one half of Cera Project, a curatorial platform for art of the non-West, and one part of PACTO, an international art collective.
