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Charlotte Southall 1

The Perfect Influence (2023)

There is an all-knowing, all-seeing, ever-present force that guides our digital selves. The influence of ‘the algorithm’ appears inescapable. Charlotte created SkinnyChip2, her digital clone, in 2019; and while she sometimes may have a physical presence, she lives out her days in the digital realm.

During her residency, Charlotte has continued to develop this cloning project and her exploration into post-digital identity. A successful online presence can be extremely lucrative, but also leaves identities open to being manipulated and capitalised on. SkinnyChip2's existence plays with and pokes fun at the tensions between what is considered real in the digital age as she brought further to life as an online influencer under the control of Big Chip Studios. By training a chatbot with advertising data and influencer-speak sourced from her clone’s Instagram, SkinnyChip2 has been given a voice and speaks to us in this glitchy meet-and-greet style video. Through this physical and digital creation, Charlotte explores our deeply intimate relationship with the algorithm, and how these forces can unintentionally shape our physical selves.

Watch the film and download the magazine below.