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Demelza Kooij

Demelza Kooij (Netherlands/UK) is a Liverpool based artist/filmmaker and university lecturer. Her work is presented worldwide at museums, film festivals, art exhibitions, and conferences. Her art and research interests relate to depicting other worlds: un(der)explored territories nearby and far away; the human and non-human, blurring boundaries, sci-fi, Other animals, ecologies of the sea, land, sky and exchanges in-between.



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Virtual Tour: And Say the Animal Responded?

Explore a virtual tour of our timely exhibition, Any Say the Animal Responded? As we emerge from the isolation of Covid-19 and refocus our attention on a rapidly changing climate, this exhibition creates a space for the voice of the animal that we have gained a greater awareness of during this time.


Ariel Guzik The Nereida Capsule 2007 and Kuai Shen Ohm1gas 2012 Image by Rob Battersby Installation view at FACT