This co-working space has been developed as part of our
collaboration with the Royal College of Art on the Time & Motion
exhibition. Here you can take a seat anytime during our opening hours and log on to a high speed wifi network in order to work, study, think, dream, makeand collaborate with friends and colleagues.
The CX Co-Working Space contains three design interventions made by PhD researchers at the Royal College of Art, working with teams of collaborators from academia and business as part of the AHRC-funded Creative Exchange Knowledge Exchange Hub.

Within this space, an interactive light installation measures and displays internet data traffic and video works blend live images of current and historical working life. A textured visual treatment evokes the synthesised nature of digital working.
The physical space, configured to accommodate collaborative working, hosts the visitors who come to work, play or merely observe. The installation itself is also seen as an experimental apparatus, a work in progress through which workplace behaviour and internet activities are revealed and displayed.
This laboratory of collaboration is a public facing frame for the events that take place within it, a socio-technical environment and an experimental playground where surprising encounters can happen and where people can experience novel ideas.
Developed by Peter Bosson - Bosson Group, Luke Connoley – Unwork, Ben Koslowski – RCA, John Fass – RCA, Karen Ingham - Swansea Metropolitan University.
Where Do You Go To?
This installation is about geographically distributed teams of freelancers and distant collaborators sharing images of desks and workspaces as a way to stay connected.
Walking past someone's desk gives a feeling of what the owner is working on, their state of mind and even a sense of their identity. We extended this as a digital app for remote teams to sustain group belonging despite working in a digital space that lacks geographic substance.
We made an app that takes photos and displays the workspace image each team member has shared, and we tested this prototype with a group of collaborators working for the BBC.
Developed by Ben Dalton – RCA, Bridget Hardy - Integrans Consulting, Claire McAndrew - The Bartlett, UCL.
How is it with the rhythm in our daily lives - is there an optimal condition for making the best work we can, to the point that psychologists call flow? Rhythmanalysis, a Creative Exchange funded art project, collected the biological rhythms of 10 people from 2 different Liverpool based workplaces over a 24 hour period. This data was used to design a physical art installation, recently shown at FACT, which visualised the biological rhythms of each employee over the course of the day allowing the viewer to see how different work environments impacted their well being.
This project was informed by the generous co-operation of workers
at two Liverpool based companies, Minsky's and Sony Entertainment
Developed by Alistair Eilbeck – Amaze, Richard Koeck - Liverpool University, Roger McKinley – FACT, Veronica Ranner - RCA.
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