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Mark Shepard and Moritz Stefaner

False Positive (2015)

It is not just the trust we place in network infrastructure, but also our willingness to trade bits of personal data in exchange for access to online services that renders us vulnerable. Caught between the ruse and exploit, we find ourselves subject to ever more sophisticated forms of profiling, both online and off. Yet if algorithmically generated data-bodies are our future, they are also prone to error. False Positive presents the remains of fictive telecom company Candygram, recently acquired by a new joint venture between Google and the GCHQ to develop a Citizen Score for the UK.

False Positive is commissioned by iMAL, in collaboration with FACT, Ars Electronica and Medialab Prado within the framework of Connecting Cities, with the support of the EU Culture Programme 2007-2013 and the Techné Institute for the Arts and Emerging Technologies at the University at Buffalo, The State University of New York.